Expert independent advice, tailored to you
Beaufort Wealth Management is a company of Independent Financial Advisers based in Warwickshire. We specialise in helping people make the most of their wealth with tailored financial planning and investment advice services. Over the last few years we have made five acquisition’s to grow our independent advice business.
Plan for your future
From planning for retirement to funding a lifestyle, we will help you identify and plan for your future needs, wishes, and even dreams. Using lifetime cash flow modelling analysis, we take stock of your current situation, evaluate your future income, and understand your expenditure. We also factor in the impact of potential future scenarios on your journey such as inflation, investment growth, retirement, or buying a second property.
Our Independent Financial Advisers help you plan your future and meet your financial goals
When you start a relationship with Beaufort Wealth Management, you will receive the time, attention and knowledge of an expert team, led by your own dedicated Beaufort Wealth Management Adviser.
They work with you to make the most of your financial situation and ensure you have a plan to realise your future ambitions and protect your loved ones. We provide advice to both individual private clients and to business owners, tailoring financial solutions to your specific needs and objectives.
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How We Work brochure
Please browse our website to find out more about who we are, our level of knowledge, experience and expertise, and how we conduct business. You can also view our How We Work brochure.
Understanding your motivations and long-term aims – both financial and lifestyle
We understand that each of our individual private clients are unique and every business client has different goals and aspirations. Thats why we always look at the ‘big picture’ and manage your wealth beyond just your investment objectives. By building a relationship with you your Beaufort Wealth Management Adviser will understand your motivations and long-term aims – both financial and lifestyle – to ensure every action taken is in your best interests.
We take you through our comprehensive financial planning process, taking time to understand your individual needs and objectives. By firstly understanding your circumstances, we can plan together for now and the future. We pride ourselves on the continuing service we provide to our clients. By reviewing your circumstances and plans on a regular basis, we will help you achieve your aspirations and aims.

Your Journey
Planning your financial future
We know you’ll have different priorities for your wealth at different points in your life. Whatever your financial aims, we have the expertise, products and services that can help you achieve them.

Our Story
Providing a seamless and holistic service in complex situations
We established Beaufort Wealth Management Ltd in August 2007 and we pride ourselves in providing a high-quality service from and friendly team. There are currently five regulated advisers and a strong administration team who are highly experienced.
Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG)
Taking the responsible approach to investing
Investing with consideration of environmental, social and corporate governance criteria has increased significantly in recent years. For many, it reflects an understanding of our need for long-term sustainable investment performance and our ambitions for a better world.
Advice and Services

Charity Investment Review Service
At Beaufort Wealth Management Limited, we strongly believe that businesses should do all we can to support our local charities and the individuals who make that community what it is.

Business Advice
Business financial planning is about taking all the right steps to achieve your commercial and personal goals while protecting your business.

Family Protection
We understand that peace of mind for the future is essential. You’ve worked hard to build and grow your wealth; it’s only natural to put in place measures to protect it.

Inheritance Advice
If you’ve not made the right arrangements, your family could have to pay an unexpected or large Inheritance Tax bill in the event of your death.

Retirement Planning
Retirement can be a time of considerable change; you’ll no longer be working, you’ll have far more free time, and you’re likely to see some decline in your health.

Investment Advice
We all have different needs and priorities but whatever your circumstances, our focus is always consistent, preserving and growing your wealth in line with your risk tolerance, objectives and values.
Cash Flow Modelling
Helping keep your future plans on track
We all know that planning for the future is vital in order to achieve future goals and ambitions, and negotiate the financial hurdles that will inevitably arise throughout life. Making provision for a secure future, be it for yourself, your family or your business, is one of the most important steps you will ever take.
Our Latest News
The future of retirement
Experiences of the past and potential future scenarios The latest research reveals a significant disparity in perceptions regarding retirement experiences of the past and potential
The cost of early withdrawal from your pension
How retirees are impacting their financial future by accessing pension pots too soon More than three-quarters (78%) of retirees have already dipped into their pension
Pension scams on the rise
Protect your savings! 7.3 million UK adults encountered an attempted scam in the past year Around 7.3 million UK adults, or one in seven, encountered