Retirement Planning
Managing your financial future
Retirement can be a time of considerable change; you’ll no longer be working, you’ll have far more free time, and you’re likely to see some decline in your health. Effective retirement planning like having a pension in place can help you not just survive, but thrive during this later period of your life.
Retirement Planning
Managing your financial future
Retirement can be a time of considerable change; you’ll no longer be working, you’ll have far more free time, and you’re likely to see some decline in your health. Effective retirement planning like having a pension in place can help you not just survive, but thrive during this later period of your life.
Living for another 30 years after work isn’t just a possibility, it’s a probability. Whether retirement is many years away or just around the corner, unless you start planning for retirement now, there is a great danger that you could outlive your savings. The earlier you start planning, the easier it will be to create the retirement lifestyle you want.
Just as every client is unique, so is the retirement planning service Beaufort Wealth Management build around them. Whatever stage you are at in your life, retirement planning is something you should consider, particularly since retirement rules introduced in 2015 have made pensions more accessible and inheritable than ever before.
Most people build up several different pensions over their working lives, and understanding the benefits of each scheme is important. We are both Personal and Occupational Pension Specialists so we can advise you on what is best for you and your retirement planning.
Whether you are employed or self-employed, your Beaufort Wealth Management Adviser takes the time to understand your financial ambitions and help you understand how to achieve the level of income you would like in your retirement.
A pension is a long-term investment not normally accessible until 55 (57 from April 2028). The value of your investments (and any income from them) can go down as well as up, which would have an impact on the level of pension benefits available.
“Will I be able to retire when I want to? Will I run out of money? How can I guarantee the kind of retirement I want?” As no-one knows exactly how long they’re going to live or what financial challenges they may face, these are hard questions to answer. Pre-retirement is the period of time when we help you decide how to start saving for your retirement through to when you want to retire and then how to generate your retirement income.
Everyone is different with a different set of needs, assets and objectives. We help ensure you receive the best post-retirement advice for your specific situation, be it receiving a maximum tax-free lump sum or the highest possible lifetime pension. We utilise tax strategies to ensure that you receive the most from your pension pot during your retirement years.
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